International Member + Chapter Awards
Auszeichnungen für Mitglieder
J. Robert Graves
The ILEA J. Robert Graves Pioneer Award—named for one of the founders of ILEA—is given to a volunteer who has significantly contributed to the growth and development of this association, not only through his or her creative vision, but through determined execution.
Winners include:
2024 - Sarah Cash-Darvell, CSEP
2023 -Tom Kura
2022 - Dona Liston
2021 - Sara Grauf, CSEP
2020 - JC York
2019 - Eileen Bistrisky,CSEP
Klaus J. Inkamp Lifetime Achievement Award
Der prestigeträchtige Lifetime Achievement Award wird an eine angesehene Führungspersönlichkeit der ILEA und der Live-Event-Branche verliehen. Um sich für diesen Preis zu qualifizieren, muss der Empfänger einen hohen ethischen Charakter haben und sich über einen längeren Zeitraum selbstlos für die Branche und unseren Verband eingesetzt haben.
Zu den Gewinnern gehören:
2024 - Richard Foulkes, CSEP
2023 - Dana Macaulay, CSEP
2022 - Christian Seidenstücker
2021 - Leslee Bell
2020 - Jaclyn Bernstein
2019 - Connie Riley, CSEP, CMP
Mettle Attitude Award
The Mettle Attitude Award is presented annually to the volunteer within the society who is always willing, always perseveres and achieves results against all odds.
Winners include:
2024 - Stacey Hoyt, CSEP, CMP
2023 - India Rhodes, CSEP
2022 - Barb Siska, CSEP
2021 - Jane Hague
2020 - Kristen Porchia
Volunteer of the Year Award
This award goes to an ILEA volunteer who not only oozes professionalism, but also determination. He or she is always available to lend a hand and strives to achieve our goals by going beyond the call of duty.
Winners include:
2024 - Rachel Geertsema
2023 - Joel Olandesca
2022 - Cecilia Lavin
2021 - Rachel Jacob Barnett
2020 - Tom Kura
2019 - Tiffanie Rosier
Excellence in Membership Growth
The Excellence in Membership Growth Award is awarded to the chapter with the highest overall growth in membership
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Austin
Excellence in Special Chapter Project
The Excellence in Chapter Special Project is awarded to the ILEA chapter that best executes an event or program outside of its normal chapter program calendar. The purpose of the Special Project is to highlight the chapter’s investment in the wellbeing of their members, and/or their community and showcase how they helped create a positive impact, difference or change within the event industry.
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Minneapolis/St. Paul
Chapter of the Year
The Spirit of Excellence Award for Chapter of the Year is awarded to the ILEA chapter that exemplifies outstanding achievement in overall chapter management and industry contribution. This chapter excels at providing added value for their members by creating extraordinary programs that educate and networking opportunities to build relationships, they consistently promote the ILEA brand and encourage all members to participate in international conferences, all of their goals and objectives compliment their chapter’s strategic plan that will lead them to excellence now and in the future.
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Seattle
Excellence in Membership Retention
Der Excellence in Membership Retention Award wird dem Chapter mit der höchsten Mitgliederbindung verliehen. Die Mitgliederbindung wird als Prozentsatz aufeinanderfolgender Erneuerungen der Mitgliedschaft im angegebenen Mitgliedschaftsjahr definiert.
Zu den Gewinnern gehören:
2024 - ILEA Calgary
Excellence in Industry + Chapter Engagement
The Excellence in Industry and Chapter Engagement is awarded to the ILEA chapter that best promotes and demonstrates the highest active member engagement within the ILEA global community. This chapter understands the educational and industry value of involving members from outside of their local chapter in their chapter programs and communications. Members are encouraged to reach out to other chapters to build business connections and find ways to work together in our global
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Minneapolis/St. Paul
Region of the Year
The Spirit of Excellence Award for Region of the Year is awarded to the ILEA Region that exemplifies outstanding achievement in overall Region management and industry contribution. This Region excels at providing added value for their members by creating extraordinary programs that educate and networking opportunities to build relationships, they consistently promote the ILEA brand and encourage all members to participate in international conferences, all of their goals and objectives compliment their Region’s strategic plan that will lead them to excellence now and in the future.
Winners include:
2024 - Western Region
Exzellenz in der Kommunikation
The Excellence in Chapter Communications Award is awarded to the ILEA chapter that best utilizes various communication methods and vehicles to effectively share information about ILEA with chapter members, local communities and the international event industry. The chapter recognizes that strong communication plans incorporating the ILEA brand within all correspondences will increase chapter membership and overall membership value.
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Boston
Exzellenz in Mitgliedschaftsinitiativen
The Excellence in Chapter Membership Initiative is awarded to the ILEA chapter that best executes an initiative focusing on its members. The purpose of the Membership Initiative category is to highlight the chapter’s investment in their members, coming up with creative ways of showcasing membership value, and appreciation for its members.
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Seattle
Excellence in Education + Programming
The Excellence in Chapter Education and Programming is awarded to the ILEA chapter that best demonstrates the value of being an ILEA Member by providing superior education through strong program planning.
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Dallas
Excellence in Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Initiative
The Excellence in Chapter Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Award is awarded to the ILEA chapter that effectively displays significant contributions to creating measurable change in the area of DEI. The purpose of this award is to recognize initiatives or programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion values and nurtures change within ILEA and the event industry.
Winners include:
2024 - ILEA Austin