Lunes 12 de agosto

7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Grand Level Foyer
¡Consigue tu credencial, tu bolsa de regalos y más! Echa un vistazo a las botellas Fill it Forward, algunos obsequios de PromoShop, participa en un proyecto de arte comunitario de Synchronicity Events y hazte algunas fotos en nuestras oportunidades de fotos.
8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Join us for a planning session.
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
All chapter leaders are invited to attend. Please register in advance.
*Buffet lunch is included.
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
New to ILEA or a first time attendee to an ILEA conference? Join us at this session to meet new friends and get a quick primer.
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
WELCOME RECEPTION: Launch - The Lift Off Lounge
*Meet in lobby beginning at 6:30 p.m. for buses
Join us at the official I-24 launch party! Set amid the backdrop of the Space Needle, MoPOP is a leading-edge museum designed by internationally acclaimed architect Frank O. Gehry. MoPOP’s mission is to make creative expression a life changing force by offering experiences that inspire and connect our communities. Enjoy this exclusive experience as you meander through an exciting collection of exhibitions, rich pop culture content, unparalleled technology and a variety of unique spaces! Lift off in the Sky Church, named after a concept from Jimi Hendrix of a place where people from all backgrounds and beliefs could come together through the power of music, and enjoy quintessential Seattle eats and beats!
Welcome Reception Chair: Brittnie Wilkinson of Wilkinson Events
10:00 p.m. - Midnight
AFTER PARTY: Lost in Space - SEARCH FOUNDation
Queen Anne Beer Hall
*Buses will transport from Welcome Reception
The SEARCH Foundation was formed in 1997 and exists to assist special event, meetings, and catering professionals faced with a life threatening illness or catastrophic occurrence. The Special Event Assistance, Relief + Crisis Help Foundation is for event pros, by event pros. The foundation has helped in over 250 cases and distributed over $1M in relief funds. Join us for this After Party and help raise funds by Sipping for SEARCH!
After Party Chairs: David Schwartz of Orion Entertainment + Jana Heinrichs of CORT Party Rental

Martes 13 de agosto

7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Grand Level Foyer
¡Consigue tu credencial, tu bolsa de regalos y más! Echa un vistazo a las botellas Fill it Forward, algunos obsequios de PromoShop, participa en un proyecto de arte comunitario de Synchronicity Events y hazte algunas fotos en nuestras oportunidades de fotos.
7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Encore Main Stage
Se ofrecerá desayuno buffet.
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
OPENING: Entering the Space Beyond
Encore Main Stage
Welcome to the opening session of I-24, where we set the stage for an extraordinary two-day adventure. We’ll introduce the stellar crew leading our mission and outline the voyage ahead. Together, we'll prepare to enter the space beyond, soaring to new heights and exploring the unlimited expanse. Get ready to strap in, ignite your curiosity, and embark on a journey to the moon and beyond. As we chart our course through this vast frontier, we’ll unlock endless possibilities and make unforgettable discoveries.
8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
KEYNOTE: Three Big Questions for Today
Encore Main Stage
Kevin White, CSEP , estratega jefe de XPL
La calidad de vida que llevamos puede estar directamente relacionada con la calidad de las preguntas que hacemos. A medida que el mundo se acelera y se vuelve increíblemente complejo, la tarea de comprometernos con una introspección de calidad se vuelve increíblemente difícil. La sesión de apertura de I-24 ralentizará el tiempo y planteará tres preguntas muy importantes que nosotros, como industria pero también como individuos, enfrentamos hoy. ¿El objetivo? Definir y empoderarnos para generar una conexión humana más profunda.
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
VISIÓN, ESTRATEGIA + ESTRUCTURA: Optimizando tu negocio
Sala A (Fundamentos de negocios presentados por Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS))
Zachary Cramer, Certified EOS Implementer® - EOS Worldwide
As a business leader, you're constantly juggling tasks, putting out fires, and trying to keep everyone on the same page. You may also be drowning in endless to-do lists, staff issues and sleepless nights. Join us as we discuss framework that can be the catalyst to get back to your vision, promote cohesion and cultivate teamwork. In this candid session, we'll explore how the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) can help you build, sustain and scale your business. Learn ways that can help you achieve your vision, get traction, build team health and a culture of accountability. Discover practical tools to create a clear organizational structure that will help you delegate effectively, solve persistent problems, and reignite your passion. Discover powerful ways to run your company for more focus and growth!
IMPACT THROUGH EVENTS: Philanthropic + Community Building Initiatives
Room B (Space to Think)
Erin Combs, Founder & Principal - Artio Strategies
La Shanda Hurst, Business Program Manager - Employee Engagement, Microsoft Philanthropies
Kelli Bielema, Event Manager - Employee Experience, Meta
Moderated By: Sarah Rose, National Marketing + Experiences Manager – Compass One at Amazon
This enlightening panel discussion will showcase inspiring stories and impactful examples from Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Starbucks and more. Discover how these corporate giants harness the power of events to drive positive change, advance philanthropic efforts, and foster community and employee engagement. This session will delve into the innovative strategies these business leaders use to leverage events as catalysts for societal benefit. Attendees will gain valuable insights and learn best practices from industry leaders dedicated to making a difference through their corporate events.
10:45 am - 11:45 am
HARNESSING THE POWER OF STORYTELLING: Insights from a Filmmaker and Film Festival Producer
Room A (Creative Force)
Stefanie Malone, cineasta
Organizado por: Richard Foulkes , facilitador de negocios de marketing en vivo, consultor y orador - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
Sumérgete en el mundo de la narración de historias con la cineasta y productora de eventos, Stefanie Malone, quien comparte su experiencia sobre el papel fundamental de la narración de historias en nuestras vidas. Como fuerza impulsora detrás del célebre Festival Nacional de Cine para Jóvenes Talentosos (NFFTY), Stefanie aporta una perspectiva única sobre cómo la narración da forma a nuestras experiencias e impulsa nuestras acciones. Únete a nosotros en una sesión inspiradora en la que Stefanie revela cómo la narración de historias no es solo una forma de arte, sino un elemento fundamental para crear eventos memorables que resuenen profundamente en los asistentes. Aprende a crear narrativas convincentes que mejoren la participación, creen conexiones emocionales y dejen un impacto duradero. Esta sesión es imprescindible para organizadores de eventos, productores y cualquier persona apasionada por elevar su oficio a través del poder de la narración de historias.
PULSO DE LA INDUSTRIA: Temas actuales y tendencias en la industria de eventos
Sala B (Espacio para pensar)
Denise Malo , vicepresidenta de servicios al cliente de DMCP, BBC Events, socio global de DMC y presidenta de la Asociación Internacional de Ejecutivos de Gestión de Destinos (ADMEI)
Amanda Armstrong, vicepresidenta sénior de relaciones con la industria y la comunidad de Encore
Marcus White , CMP – Socio Gerente
Moderado por: Audrey Fan , Estrategias para fans
Los líderes del sector se reúnen en esta interesante sesión para debatir los temas más urgentes que afectan a la industria de los eventos en la actualidad. Estos líderes ofrecerán información sobre las últimas tendencias, desafíos e innovaciones que configuran el panorama de los eventos. Este panel incluye perspectivas que abarcan desde la gestión de destinos hasta los proveedores globales, pasando por las agencias, los autónomos y más. Desde la contratación de personal hasta la fijación de precios y más allá, esta sesión cubrirá una serie de cuestiones críticas que están transformando la forma en que se conciben y ejecutan los eventos. Obtenga conocimiento de primera mano de los expertos que están a la vanguardia de la redefinición de la industria de los eventos y descubra cómo sus enfoques vanguardistas están estableciendo nuevos estándares e impulsando el futuro de los eventos.
Mediodía - 13:45 horas
Encore Main Stage
Join us for our highly anticipated Annual Meeting, where we will review the past year's milestones, recognize the invaluable contributions of our key volunteers, and proudly install our new Board of Governors. Let’s celebrate our collective achievements and set the stage for the exciting journey ahead. As we look to the future, we’ll discuss the strategic direction and innovative initiatives that will drive ILEA forward. Don't miss this opportunity to connect, celebrate and be inspired by the vision for what's to come as ILEA goes FORWARD. #WeAreILEA
*A buffet lunch will be served.
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Room A (Creative Force)
Michael McMorrow, Acclaimed Musician
Hosted By: Richard Foulkes, Live Marketing Business Facilitator, Consultant, and Speaker - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
Explore the power of music in events with acclaimed musician and producer, Michael McMorrow. In this engaging session, Michael will take us through his process of crafting and scoring music for various events, highlighting the profound impact music and sound have on our emotions and experiences. He will share his expertise on how to create memorable and emotionally resonant event experiences through music. Attendees will gain insights into the nuances of musical programming and composition for events and learn how to effectively integrate sound to enhance audience engagement. Ideal for musicians, event producers, and anyone interested in the emotional dynamics of music, this session promises to offer valuable knowledge and inspiration to elevate your next event.
LEGAL DRAMA: Event Industry Law
Room B (Business Essentials Presented by Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
Mary Ellen Reihsen, Attorney at Law
Join Mary Ellen Reihsen, Attorney at Law, as she tackles the biggest legal happenings in the hospitality sector: from spicy compliance issues, to fiery financing struggles, to the year’s most notable lawsuits. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving event industry, staying ahead of legal issues is crucial to safeguarding your business. This session will cover a hot list of topics, including: new regulations, staffing and employment, data privacy, AI, union regulation, environmental expenses, IP issues, ADA compliance and more. Do not miss this discussion on the law and how it impacts live events.
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
KEYNOTE: Creativity = Innovation
Encore Main Stage
Kevin Molesworth, CSEP, President, Celadore Creative + Celadore Innovation
For the past several years, the annual report from the World Economic Forum has ranked creative thinking among the most essential skills that are needed in the workplace. As event professionals, we must rise to the challenge and create new client experiences rather than re-creating and re-branding the same things we have been doing for years. In this engaging, interactive session, you will learn tried-and-true, scientifically proven methods for developing novel ideas and the means for implementing them.
5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
DINE AROUND: Gastronomic - Taste + Talk
Restaurants throughout Seattle
¡Disfrute de la escena gastronómica de Seattle mientras se conecta con otros miembros! Pase la noche en una red de contactos y conversaciones más profundas mientras disfruta de una comida increíble y la oportunidad de explorar la Ciudad Esmeralda. Al registrarse para la conferencia, tendrá la oportunidad de ver la reserva del restaurante, el tipo de cocina y la lista de anfitriones, y de registrarse. Luego, reúnase en el vestíbulo la noche del evento y busque el cartel de su restaurante para unirse a los demás comensales. Los miembros de la Junta de Gobernadores de ILEA actuarán como anfitriones informales. *La cena está cubierta por cada asistente individual.
*Reúnase en el lobby del hotel entre las 5:30 p. m. y las 6:00 p. m. Busque el cartel del restaurante al que se inscribió. Reúnase con su grupo y tomen un taxi, un Uber o un elevador juntos hasta el restaurante. Todas las reservas se realizan en
6:15 pm
Presidenta del evento: Gazala Uradnik de GFS Events
8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
AFTER PARTY: Steller Spin-Off
SPIN Seattle
¡Sigue jugando al ping pong! Después de nuestra noche de cena en el restaurante, acércate a SPIN Seattle para descubrir quién es el verdadero rey del ping pong en este evento posterior a la fiesta.
Presidentes del evento: David Schwartz de Orion Entertainment + Jana Heinrichs de CORT Party Rental

Miércoles 14 de agosto

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Escenario principal de Encore
Breakfast buffet offerings will be available.
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Grand Level Foyer
Grab your badge, swag bag and more! Check out the Fill it Forward Bottles, some goodies from PromoShop, participate in a community art project by Synchronicity Events and grab some pics in our photo opps.
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
SUSTAINABLE CREATIVITY: Shaping the Future of Events
Encore Main Stage
Cindy Baccetti, directora del sitio, Centro de experiencia industrial (IEC) y líder culinaria global, CET - Microsoft
Olivia Neal Howell, fundadora de Seattle Creates y presidenta de The Olivia Neal Experience
Mark Freeman, vicepresidente sénior de crecimiento de Day One Hospitality Consulting
Moderado por: Elizabeth Nutting, CSEP, directora de cuentas de TK Events
En este panel, los líderes de la industria se reunirán para explorar el futuro de los eventos desde una perspectiva multidimensional. En esta era de rápida transformación, analizaremos el papel fundamental de fomentar una economía creativa sostenible y próspera. Nuestra conversación abordará los impactos ambientales y sociales, cómo podemos fomentar la innovación y el desarrollo de estrategias con visión de futuro. Nuestro panel examinará cómo las tecnologías emergentes están revolucionando el panorama de los eventos y la hospitalidad, y dónde encajamos nosotros, como profesionales, en este ecosistema en evolución. Esta sesión ofrece una valiosa oportunidad para obtener conocimientos sobre cómo mantenerse a la vanguardia en un mundo dinámico y en constante cambio, al tiempo que se genera un impacto positivo en nuestro planeta y nuestra comunidad. Ya sea que sea un profesional experimentado o nuevo en el campo, esta discusión le brindará el conocimiento y la inspiración para impulsar el futuro de los eventos.
9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
GROWTH: Mindset for Change
Room A (Business Essentials Presented by Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
Nigel Collin, MBA, CSP
Founder - Ingenious Oz Project
Author - Game of Inches + co-author of The Business Switch
We live in a rapidly changing world - no secret there - and for event professionals embracing change and adaptability is vital. What if you nurture the belief that you can constantly grow, learn and improve, to see challenges and change as opportunities? This session explores practical ways to start nurturing a growth mindset (the foundation work of psychologist Carol Dweck) for you and your team.
INSPIRING INCLUSIVITY: The Next Era of Global Sports + Events
Room B (Space to Think)
Beth Knox, President + CEO of the Seattle Sports Commission
Interviewed By: Kevin White, CSEP - Chief Strategist - XPL
Don't miss this session featuring an interview with a veteran in the sports and events industry as we explore the future of mega events, their power to unite and inspire, and what we can learn from them. Beth Knox, President + CEO of the Seattle Sports Commission, has an impressive portfolio, having played pivotal roles in events including the Special Olympics USA Games, the MLB All-Star Game, and the upcoming World Cup 2026. Delve into her insights on designing inclusive international events that transcend boundaries and bring people together. This session will touch on how these spectacular gatherings foster global unity, celebrate diversity, and inspire communities worldwide. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a true visionary about the evolving landscape of sports and events and how we can create experiences that resonate with and uplift us all.
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
STARS ALIGN: Tapping Your Intuition
Room A (Creative Force)
Meredith Froemke, World Renowned Astrologer/Motivational Life Coach
Hosted By: Richard Foulkes, Live Marketing Business Facilitator, Consultant, and Speaker - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
This enlightening session will feature Meredith Froemke, a world-renowned astrologer and life coach, who will talk about the profound connections between curiosity, creativity, and intuition. With a rich background in professional theatre, ballet, and the arts, as well as experience in marketing and events, Meredith offers a unique perspective on how to harness your creative processes and beliefs to reach your highest calling and divine purpose – and your most creative self. Discover how to tap into your innate creativity, leverage your intuition, and explore the depths of your potential. This session promises to inspire and equip you with the insights needed to unlock your true creative power and live a purpose-driven life.
EVENT PROFS: Working With + Producing for Gen Z Beyond
Room B (Business Essentials Presented by Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
Angie Senter, Adjunct Professor, Washington State University (WSU) School of Hospitality Business Management
Kerrell Dunsmore, The Next Great Event
Matt Bonavita, President + Founder - Rhythm in Motion, Adjunct Professor, School of Business Professionals - New York University (NYU)
The profs are in! Join us for an engaging and insightful session featuring our panel that includes two distinguished college professors and event industry vets! Delve into the dynamic world of employing and producing events for the next generation. This session promises to be an invaluable resource for industry professionals, sharing tips for developing internship programs to partnering with educational institutions and mentorships, to planning and producing for future generations. Uncover preferences and expectations of Generation Z and beyond as we prepare to welcome them to the workforce and as attendees at our events.
11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
UNIVERSE UNVEILED: The Transformational Journey of Space Exploration
Encore Main Stage
Sean McClinton, Founder, Space Entrepreneurs Network + Co-Founder - Space Northwest
Ted Huetter, Senior PR Manager – The Museum of Flight + Aviation/Space Writer + Photographer
Moderated By: Nigel Collin
These space ballers will delve into the remarkable advancements in space travel and their profound implications for our future. As we stand on the cusp of making space travel a mainstream reality, this discussion will explore what these groundbreaking innovations mean for humanity. Discover the powerful technologies driving our journey into outer space and how they are reshaping our understanding of what is possible. Our panel of experts and space enthusiasts will share insights into the latest developments, the challenges we face, and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. This session will take you beyond the realm of space innovation and exploration, highlighting how these advancements benefit life on Earth and shape our future in space. Learn how the evolution of space travel can inspire new possibilities for events, foster global collaboration, and drive innovative progress. Whether you are passionate about space or curious about the future, this discussion will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to embrace the new frontier of human achievement.
*A buffet lunch will be served.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Room A (Creative Force)
Chloe Lee, CMS-CHt, FIBH – Hipnoterapeuta
Jody Hall , fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Wunderground Coffee
En primer lugar, únase a Chloe Lee, CMS-CHt, FIBH, mientras nos guía hacia el baño forestal, que proviene del japonés Shinrin Yoku. Se desarrolló en Japón en la década de 1980 como una forma de ayudar a los habitantes estresados de la ciudad a relajarse. Los efectos Se ha demostrado que pasar tiempo en la naturaleza reduce el estrés, mejora la sensación de felicidad y estimula la creatividad. La inmersión en un entorno natural ofrece una ventaja cognitiva. Se sabe que artistas como Virginia Woolf, Beethoven y Pablo Picasso disfrutaban de largas caminatas en la naturaleza. Según investigadores y psicólogos, el uso del sentido de la vista en el bosque puede inducir un efecto conocido como "fascinación suave", que ayuda a que nuestras mentes, ocupadas y a menudo agotadas, se recuperen al devolverlas a un estado de calma, restauración y rejuvenecimiento. El pintoresco noroeste del Pacífico es un escenario increíble para el baño forestal y, si bien no saldremos al entorno natural, esta sesión le dará una idea de cómo es esta experiencia de atención plena.
Luego, escuche a una emprendedora extraordinaria que ha convertido su pasión por el café y las empresas con un propósito en una serie de emprendimientos innovadores. Jody Hall compartirá su notable trayectoria, comenzando con su papel en el establecimiento del primer departamento de eventos de Starbucks, un movimiento fundamental que mostró su Espíritu innovador y capacidad para crear experiencias impactantes. Basándose en este éxito, Jody ha lanzado varios negocios exitosos que consolidaron aún más su reputación como visionaria dinámica. Hoy, se encuentra a la vanguardia de una revolución del bienestar con su última empresa, Wundergound Coffee. Jody Hace muchos años escuché una conferencia sobre hongos y ese fue el origen de Wunderground: una causa, un producto y un lugar. En esencia, el café es conexión. Nuestro mundo moderno y digitalizado ha dejado a muchos de nosotros viviendo en un nuevo normal donde el estrés y la ansiedad son comunes. El café es una de las bebidas más ritualísticas del planeta. Los hongos son uno de los organismos más poderosos del planeta. Está profundamente inspirada por la noción de cómo podemos crear productos, experiencias y Marcas que ayudan a fomentar la conexión humana. A través de su historia, obtendrá información sobre el panorama cambiante del bienestar, cómo los eventos están a la vanguardia para conectarlo todo y el poder de seguir la propia pasión para crear un cambio significativo.
Sala B (Espacio para pensar)
Paolo Tosolini , fundador de Tosolini Productions, LLC - Narrativa empresarial | Tecnología emergente
Donatas Dautartas , director de eventos de Wix, Wix Enterprise
Moderado por: Cecilia Lavin
Únase a nosotros en una interesante charla tecnológica diseñada específicamente para la industria de eventos, donde se sumergirá en las tecnologías de vanguardia que dan forma al futuro de los eventos. Esta sesión contará con una serie de minicharlas con expertos de la industria, que cubrirán temas clave como los datos Análisis, inteligencia artificial (IA), herramientas de participación y soluciones de software para eventos presenciales y en línea. Esta sesión le brindará una descripción general completa de las tecnologías que están revolucionando la industria de los eventos.
2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Encore Main Stage
Join us for the Grand Finale, the ultimate closing session where we come together to celebrate and reflect on the biggest moments of I-24. We’ll highlight the key insights and breakthroughs from our time together, encapsulating the spirit of our shared mission. Expect surprises, camaraderie, and a heartfelt toast to our collective accomplishments. We'll commemorate the connections we've made, the knowledge we've gained, and the inspiration we've ignited. And send us off ready to create ripples that resonate far and wide in the world. Don’t miss this unforgettable conclusion to our journey!
6:00 p.m. - Midnight
ESPRIT AWARDS: 2024 Gala - Celestial Gardens
Westin Hotel
Prepare to enter a dimension where imagination knows no bounds. You are cordially invited to the most anticipated event of the year—the 2024 Esprit Awards Gala – Celestial Gardens. Join us and be transported into an astral wonderland, as we honor the brightest minds and groundbreaking achievements in the industry. This interstellar event will celebrate those who have dared to dream and push the boundaries of what is possible. As the galaxy’s finest gather, expect an evening filled with galactic entertainment, otherworldly libations, gastronomic delights, and cosmic discourse. This is your chance to connect with fellow visionaries and revel in a night of futuristic utopia.
Attire: Cocktail
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Reception
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Dinner + Awards Program
9:30 p.m. – Midnight | Dancing + Dessert
Event Chairs: Shelly Tolo + Liz Sexton of Tolo Events
Jueves 15 de agosto
9:00 am - Mediodía
DESPEDIDA: Splash Down Lounge
No te pierdas esta recepción informal donde podrás rehidratarte y despedirte mientras regresamos a la tierra.
Presidenta del evento : Deci Evans de Kind + Co Events