Pourquoi I-24 - que signifie-t-il ? À première vue, l'évidence, c'est ILEA. Mais plus profondément, cela signifie idéation. Inspiration. Imaginer. Inventer. Innover. Intention. Infini. (24 mots en fait) EYE, pour vision. Tous les idéaux auxquels nous croyons signifient et parlent à nos membres et à notre industrie. Les composantes éducatives de la conférence sont conçues pour la réflexion, la stratégie et l'exploitation de votre créativité pour nous propulser vers l'avenir. I-24 a pour objectif de repousser les limites, de penser différemment, de nous faire avancer.
Aller avec audace là où aucun professionnel de l’événementiel n’est allé auparavant.

Présenté par Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
Bienvenue à « Creative Force : Unleashing the Power Within », une série de conférences dynamiques consacrée à l'art de l'invention et au développement d'idées révolutionnaires. Cette série vous plongera dans les processus créatifs de diverses industries, révélant comment leurs stratégies innovantes peuvent alimenter votre propre créativité. Apportez votre curiosité et développez votre imagination pendant que nous explorons le potentiel illimité de l'esprit créatif. Ici, la créativité est notre monnaie et notre langage ; elle est fondamentale pour qui nous sommes, ce que nous faisons et comment nous nous présentons au monde. Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage épique et exploitez la force créatrice qui est en vous et dans votre équipe. Que la force soit avec vous !
Entrez dans « Space to Think : Expanding Horizons », une conférence conçue pour stimuler votre esprit et susciter une réflexion transformatrice. Cette série de sessions stimulantes abordera les thèmes de l'appartenance, de la communauté et de l'inclusion, encourageant une réflexion approfondie et un dialogue significatif. Explorez l'avenir de la technologie et ses implications et avancées pour la société tout en réfléchissant aux vastes possibilités qui s'offrent à vous. Rejoignez-nous dans cet espace de réflexion unique, où la curiosité intellectuelle et les idées novatrices convergent pour vous aider à sortir de l'ordinaire et à envisager un avenir meilleur.
Découvrez la conférence « Business Essentials: Mastering the Fundamentals », votre passerelle vers les principes fondamentaux qui animent les entreprises prospères. Cette série dynamique réunit des experts en vision, stratégie, droit et plus encore pour vous fournir les outils et les connaissances indispensables pour prospérer dans le paysage concurrentiel d'aujourd'hui. Que vous soyez un entrepreneur en herbe ou un dirigeant chevronné, ces sessions vous offriront des informations pratiques et des stratégies concrètes pour vous aider à affiner votre vision, à élaborer des stratégies solides et à naviguer dans les subtilités juridiques des affaires. Améliorez votre sens professionnel et assurez la croissance durable de votre organisation en maîtrisant les fondamentaux qui comptent le plus.

Jour 1 : AUJOURD'HUI -
Mission de Créer
Mardi 13 août
Là où les esprits les plus innovants du secteur de l'événementiel se réunissent pour célébrer et élever le pouvoir des événements. Passez la journée immergé dans des sessions conçues pour explorer les sujets les plus urgents, stimuler votre créativité et alimenter votre inspiration. Engagez des discussions sur les processus créatifs, la réflexion sur le design, la disruption et l'art de raconter des histoires. Élevez votre art et élargissez vos horizons. Votre mission de création commence ici.
OUVERTURE : Entrer dans l'espace au-delà
Welcome to the opening session of I-24, where we set the stage for an extraordinary two-day adventure. We’ll introduce the stellar crew leading our mission and outline the voyage ahead. Together, we'll prepare to enter the space beyond, soaring to new heights and exploring the unlimited expanse. Get ready to strap in, ignite your curiosity, and embark on a journey to the moon and beyond. As we chart our course through this vast frontier, we’ll unlock endless possibilities and make unforgettable discoveries.
Impact through Events: Philanthropic + Community Building Initiatives
Erin Combs, Founder & Principal - Artio Strategies
La Shanda Hurst, Business Program Manager - Employee Engagement, Microsoft Philanthropies
Kelli Bielema, Event Manager - Employee Experience, Meta
Moderated By: Sarah Rose, National Marketing + Experiences Manager – Compass One at Amazon
This enlightening panel discussion will showcase inspiring stories and impactful examples from Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Starbucks and more. Discover how these corporate giants harness the power of events to drive positive change, advance philanthropic efforts, and foster community and employee engagement. This session will delve into the innovative strategies these business leaders use to leverage events as catalysts for societal benefit. Attendees will gain valuable insights and learn best practices from industry leaders dedicated to making a difference through their corporate events
ILEA FORWARD : Assemblée générale annuelle
Rejoignez-nous pour notre très attendue assemblée générale annuelle, où nous passerons en revue les étapes marquantes de l'année écoulée, reconnaîtrons les contributions inestimables de nos bénévoles clés et installerons fièrement notre nouveau conseil d'administration. Célébrons nos réalisations collectives et préparons le terrain pour le voyage passionnant qui nous attend. Alors que nous nous tournons vers l'avenir, nous discuterons de l'orientation stratégique et des initiatives innovantes qui feront avancer l'ILEA. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous connecter, de célébrer et d'être inspiré par la vision de ce qui va arriver alors que l'ILEA avance. #WeAreILEA
Créativité = Innovation
Kevin Molesworth , CSEP, président, Celadore Creative et Celadore Innovation
Encore Mainstage
Depuis plusieurs années, le rapport annuel du Forum économique mondial classe la créativité parmi les compétences les plus essentielles sur le lieu de travail. En tant que professionnels de l’événementiel, nous devons relever le défi et créer de nouvelles expériences pour nos clients plutôt que de recréer et de rebaptiser les mêmes choses que nous faisons depuis des années. Au cours de cette session interactive et engageante, vous apprendrez des méthodes éprouvées et scientifiquement prouvées pour développer de nouvelles idées et les moyens de les mettre en œuvre.
KEYNOTE : 3 grandes questions pour aujourd'hui
Kevin White, CSEP, Chief Strategist – XPL
The quality of life we lead can be directly correlated to the quality of questions we ask. As the world both speeds up and gets incredibly complex, the task of committing ourselves to quality introspection becomes incredibly difficult. I-24’s opening session will slow time down and ask three very big questions that we, as an industry but also as individuals, face today. The goal? To define, and empower ourselves to bring forth, deeper human connection.
Harnessing the Power of Storytelling: Insights from a Filmmaker and Film Festival Producer
Stefanie Malone, Filmmaker
Hosted By: Richard Foulkes, Live Marketing Business Facilitator, Consultant, and Speaker - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
Dive into the world of storytelling with filmmaker and event producer, Stefanie Malone, as she shares her expertise on the pivotal role of storytelling in our lives. As the driving force behind the celebrated National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY), Stefanie brings a unique perspective on how narrative shapes our experiences and drives our actions. Join us for an inspiring session where Stefanie reveals how storytelling is not just an art form, but a critical element in creating memorable events that resonate deeply with attendees. Learn how to craft compelling narratives that enhance engagement, build emotional connections, and leave a lasting impact. This session is a must for event planners, producers, and anyone passionate about elevating their craft through the power of storytelling.
Harmonizing Events: The Power of Sound
Michael McMorrow, musicien acclamé
Organisé par : Richard Foulkes, facilitateur d'affaires en marketing en direct, consultant et conférencier - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
Découvrez le pouvoir de la musique dans les événements avec le musicien et producteur de renom, Michael McMorrow. Au cours de cette session captivante, Michael nous présentera son processus de création et de composition musicale pour divers événements, soulignant l'impact profond de la musique et du son sur nos émotions et nos expériences. Il partagera son expertise sur la façon de créer des expériences événementielles mémorables et émotionnellement résonnantes grâce à la musique. Les participants découvriront les nuances de la programmation musicale et de la composition pour les événements et apprendront à intégrer efficacement le son pour améliorer l'engagement du public. Idéale pour les musiciens, les producteurs d'événements et toute personne intéressée par la dynamique émotionnelle de la musique, cette session promet d'offrir des connaissances et une inspiration précieuses pour élever votre prochain événement.
Vision, Strategy + Structure: Optimizing Your Business
Zachary Cramer, Certified EOS Implementer® - EOS Worldwide
As a business leader, you're constantly juggling tasks, putting out fires, and trying to keep everyone on the same page. You may also be drowning in endless to-do lists, staff issues and sleepless nights. Join us as we discuss framework that can be the catalyst to get back to your vision, promote cohesion and cultivate teamwork. In this candid session, we'll explore how the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) can help you build, sustain and scale your business. Learn ways that can help you achieve your vision, get traction, build team health and a culture of accountability. Discover practical tools to create a clear organizational structure that will help you delegate effectively, solve persistent problems, and reignite your passion. Discover powerful ways to run your company for more focus and growth!
Le pouls de l'industrie : sujets d'actualité et tendances dans le secteur de l'événementiel
Denise Malo, DMCP Vice-President of Client Services - BBC Events, a Global DMC Partner + President - Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI)
Amanda Armstrong, Senior Vice President – Industry Relations + Community – Encore
Marcus White, CMP – Managing Member
Moderated By: Audrey Fan, Fan Strategies
Industry powerhouses are coming together for this compelling session to discuss the most pressing topics affecting the event industry today. These leaders will provide insights into the latest trends, challenges, and innovations shaping the landscape of events. This panel includes perspectives from destination management to global vendors to agency, freelance and beyond. From navigating the staffing to pricing and beyond, this session will cover a range of critical issues that are transforming how events are conceived and executed. Gain firsthand knowledge from the experts who are at the forefront of redefining the event industry, and discover how their forward-thinking approaches are setting new standards and driving the future of events.
Drame juridique : le droit de l'événementiel
Mary Ellen Reihsen, Attorney at Law
Join Mary Ellen Reihsen, Attorney at Law, as she tackles the biggest legal happenings in the hospitality sector: from spicy compliance issues, to fiery financing struggles, to the year’s most notable lawsuits. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving event industry, staying ahead of legal issues is crucial to safeguarding your business. This session will cover a hot list of topics, including: new regulations, staffing and employment, data privacy, AI, union regulation, environmental expenses, IP issues, ADA compliance and more. Do not miss this discussion on the law and how it impacts live events.

Explorez de nouveaux mondes
Mercredi 14 août
Là où les visionnaires et les pionniers convergent pour explorer l'avenir. Participez à la rampe de lancement de la prochaine ère de l'événementiel. Plongez dans des discussions révolutionnaires sur les technologies de pointe, de l'intelligence artificielle à l'organisation d'événements hors du commun. Découvrez des pratiques innovantes en matière de développement durable et préparez-vous à accueillir la prochaine génération de professionnels de l'événementiel et de participants. Participez à des conversations audacieuses qui repoussent les limites et remodèlent notre secteur. Allons là où aucun professionnel de l'événementiel n'est allé auparavant. L'avenir, c'est maintenant.

Créativité durable : façonner l'avenir des événements
Cindy Baccetti, Site Director, Industry Experience Center (IEC) and Global Culinary Leader, CET - Microsoft
Olivia Neal Howell, Founder – Seattle Creates + President, The Olivia Neal Experience
Mark Freeman, Senior Vice President of Growth - Day One Hospitality Consulting
Moderated By: Elizabeth Nutting, CSEP, Account Director – TK Events
At this panel power hour industry leaders as we explore the future of events from a multidimensional perspective. In this era of rapid transformation, we will discuss the pivotal role of fostering a sustainable and thriving creative economy. Our conversation will address the environmental and societal impacts, how we can foster innovation and the development of forward-thinking strategies. Our panel will examine how emerging technologies are revolutionizing the events and hospitality landscape, and where we, as professionals, fit within this evolving ecosystem. This session offers a valuable opportunity to gain insights on staying ahead in a dynamic, ever-changing world, while making a positive impact on our planet and community. Whether you are an experienced professional or new to the field, this discussion will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to drive the future of events.
Growth: Mindset of Change
Nigel Collin, MBA, CSP
Founder - Ingenious Oz Project
Author - Game of Inches + co-author of The Business Switch
We live in a rapidly changing world - no secret there - and for event professionals embracing change and adaptability is vital. What if you nurture the belief that you can constantly grow, learn and improve, to see challenges and change as opportunities? This session explores practical ways to start nurturing a growth mindset (the foundation work of psychologist Carol Dweck) for you and your team.
Alignement des étoiles : faites appel à votre intuition
Meredith Froemke, World Renowned Astrologer/Motivational Life Coach
Hosted By: Richard Foulkes, Live Marketing Business Facilitator, Consultant, and Speaker - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
This enlightening session will feature Meredith Froemke, a world-renowned astrologer and life coach, who will talk about the profound connections between curiosity, creativity, and intuition. With a rich background in professional theatre, ballet, and the arts, as well as experience in marketing and events, Meredith offers a unique perspective on how to harness your creative processes and beliefs to reach your highest calling and divine purpose – and your most creative self. Discover how to tap into your innate creativity, leverage your intuition, and explore the depths of your potential. This session promises to inspire and equip you with the insights needed to unlock your true creative power and live a purpose-driven life.
Inspiring Inclusivity: The Next Era of Global Sports + Events
Beth Knox, President + CEO of the Seattle Sports Commission
Interviewed By: Kevin White, CSEP - Chief Strategist - XPL
Don't miss this session featuring an interview with a veteran in the sports and events industry as we explore the future of mega events, their power to unite and inspire, and what we can learn from them. Beth Knox, President + CEO of the Seattle Sports Commission, has an impressive portfolio, having played pivotal roles in events including the Special Olympics USA Games, the MLB All-Star Game, and the upcoming World Cup 2026. Delve into her insights on designing inclusive international events that transcend boundaries and bring people together. This session will touch on how these spectacular gatherings foster global unity, celebrate diversity, and inspire communities worldwide. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a true visionary about the evolving landscape of sports and events and how we can create experiences that resonate with and uplift us all.
Tech Talk
Paolo Tosolini , fondateur - Tosolini Productions, LLC - Récits d'entreprise | Technologies émergentes
Donatas Dautartas , Responsable des événements Wix - Wix Enterprise
Modéré par : Cecilia Lavin
Rejoignez-nous pour une conférence technique passionnante spécialement conçue pour le secteur de l'événementiel, où vous plongerez dans les technologies de pointe qui façonnent l'avenir des événements. Cette session comprendra une série de mini-discussions avec des experts du secteur, couvrant des sujets clés tels que l'analyse de données, l'intelligence artificielle (IA), les outils d'engagement et les solutions logicielles pour la diffusion en personne et en ligne. Cette session vous fournira un aperçu complet des technologies qui révolutionnent le secteur de l'événementiel.
Forest Bathing + Brainwashing: A Wellness Experience
Chloe Lee, CMS-CHt, FIBH – Hypnotherapist
Jody Hall, Founder + CEO, Wunderground Coffee
First, join Chloe Lee, CMS-CHt, FIBH, as she leads us into Forest Bathing, which comes from the Japanese Shinrin Yoku. It was developed in Japan in the 1980s as a way to help stressed out city-dwellers unwind. The effects of spending time with nature have proven to reduce stress, improve feelings of happiness and boosts creativity. Immersion in a natural setting offers a cognitive advantage. Creatives like Virginia Woolf, Beethoven, and Pablo Picasso were well known to have enjoyed long walks in nature. Using the sense of sight in the forest can induce an effect known as ‘soft fascination’, according to researchers and psychologists, helping our busy and often frazzled minds recover by returning them to a state of calm, restoration and rejuvenation. The picturesque Pacific Northwest is an incredible backdrop for Forest Bathing, and while we wont get out into the natural setting, this session will give you a glimpse into what this mindfulness experience is like.
Then hear from an extraordinary entrepreneur who has turned her passion for coffee and purpose based companies into a series of groundbreaking ventures. Jody Hall will share her remarkable journey, starting with her role in establishing Starbucks’ first event department, a pivotal move that showcased her innovative spirit and ability to create impactful experiences. Building on this success, Jody has launched several successful businesses that further cemented her reputation as a dynamic visionary. Today, she stands at the forefront of a wellness revolution with her latest venture, Wundergound Coffee. Jody listened to a lecture on mushrooms many years ago, and this was the genesis of Wunderground - a cause, a product, and a place. At its core, coffee is connection. Our modern and digitized world has left many of us living in a new normal where heightened stress and anxiety are commonplace. Coffee is one of the most ritualistic beverages on the planet. Mushrooms are one of the most powerful organisms on the planet. She is deeply inspired by the notion of how we can build products, experiences, and brands that help foster human connection. Through her story, you'll gain insights into the evolving landscape of wellness, how events are at the forefront of connecting it all and the power of following one's passion to create meaningful change.
Event Profs: Working With + Producing for Gen Z Beyond
Angie Senter, Adjunct Professor, Washington State University (WSU) School of Hospitality Business Management
Kerrell Dunsmore, The Next Great Event
Matt Bonavita, President + Founder - Rhythm in Motion, Adjunct Professor, School of Business Professionals - New York University (NYU)
The profs are in! Join us for an engaging and insightful session featuring our panel that includes two distinguished college professors and event industry vets! Delve into the dynamic world of employing and producing events for the next generation. This session promises to be an invaluable resource for industry professionals, sharing tips for developing internship programs to partnering with educational institutions and mentorships, to planning and producing for future generations. Uncover preferences and expectations of Generation Z and beyond as we prepare to welcome them to the workforce and as attendees at our events.
Universe Unveiled: The Transformational Journey of Space Exploration
Sean McClinton, Founder, Space Entrepreneurs Network + Co-Founder - Space Northwest
Ted Huetter, Senior PR Manager – The Museum of Flight + Aviation/Space Writer + Photographer
Moderated By: Nigel Collin
These space ballers will delve into the remarkable advancements in space travel and their profound implications for our future. As we stand on the cusp of making space travel a mainstream reality, this discussion will explore what these groundbreaking innovations mean for humanity. Discover the powerful technologies driving our journey into outer space and how they are reshaping our understanding of what is possible. Our panel of experts and space enthusiasts will share insights into the latest developments, the challenges we face, and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. This session will take you beyond the realm of space innovation and exploration, highlighting how these advancements benefit life on Earth and shape our future in space. Learn how the evolution of space travel can inspire new possibilities for events, foster global collaboration, and drive innovative progress. Whether you are passionate about space or curious about the future, this discussion will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to embrace the new frontier of human achievement.
Join us for the Grand Finale, the ultimate closing session where we come together to celebrate and reflect on the biggest moments of I-24. We’ll highlight the key insights and breakthroughs from our time together, encapsulating the spirit of our shared mission. Expect surprises, camaraderie, and a heartfelt toast to our collective accomplishments. We'll commemorate the connections we've made, the knowledge we've gained, and the inspiration we've ignited. And send us off ready to create ripples that resonate far and wide in the world. Don’t miss this unforgettable conclusion to our journey!