I-24 がなぜ必要か - それは何を意味するのでしょうか? 一見すると、ILEA が明白です。しかし、それよりも深い意味は、アイデア、インスピレーション、想像、発明、革新、意図、無限 (実際には 24 語) を意味します。EYE はビジョンを意味します。私たちが信じるすべての理想は、私たちの会員と業界に意味とメッセージを伝えます。カンファレンスの教育的要素は、思考、戦略、そして創造性を活用して私たちを未来へと導くように設計されています。I-24 は、限界を押し広げ、異なる考え方 で私たちを前進させることに重点を置いています。

起業家向けオペレーティング システム (EOS) による発表
「創造力: 内なる力を解き放つ」へようこそ。これは、発明の技術と画期的なアイデアの開発に特化したダイナミックなカンファレンス トラックです。このシリーズでは、さまざまな業界の創造的プロセスに没頭し、その革新的な戦略があなた自身の創造性を刺激する方法を明らかにします。好奇心を持ち、想像力を広げて、創造的な精神の無限の可能性を探りましょう。ここでは、創造性は私たちの通貨であり言語です。創造性は、私たちが誰であるか、何をするか、そして私たちがどのように世界に現れるかの基本です。この壮大な旅にご参加いただき、あなたとあなたのチームの内なる創造力を活用してください。その力があなたとともにありますように!
Step into "Space to Think: Expanding Horizons," a conference track designed to challenge your mind and spark transformative thinking. This series of thought-provoking sessions will delve into themes of belonging, community, and inclusivity, encouraging deep reflection and meaningful dialogue. Explore the future of technology and its implications and advancements for society as you ponder the expansive possibilities ahead. Join us in this unique space to think, where intellectual curiosity and innovative ideas converge to help you expand beyond the ordinary and envision a brighter future.
「ビジネスの基本: 基礎の習得」カンファレンス トラックは、企業の成功の原動力となる基本原則への入り口です。このダイナミックなシリーズでは、ビジョン、戦略、法律などの専門家が集まり、今日の競争の激しい環境で成功するために不可欠なツールと知識を提供します。新進の起業家でも、経験豊富なエグゼクティブでも、これらのセッションでは、ビジョンを洗練し、強力な戦略を策定し、ビジネスの法的複雑さを乗り越えるのに役立つ実用的な洞察と実行可能な戦略が提供されます。最も重要な基礎を習得することで、専門的な洞察力を高め、組織の持続可能な成長を確実にします。

1日目: 今日 -
イベント業界の最も革新的な頭脳が集まり、イベントの力を称え、高める場所です。最も差し迫ったトピックを探り、創造性を刺激し、インスピレーションを刺激するように設計されたセッションに没頭して 1 日を過ごしてください。創造的なプロセス、デザイン思考、破壊的変化、ストーリーテリングの芸術に関するディスカッションに参加してください。技術を高め、視野を広げてください。あなたの創造の使命はここから始まります。
OPENING: Entering the Space Beyond
Welcome to the opening session of I-24, where we set the stage for an extraordinary two-day adventure. We’ll introduce the stellar crew leading our mission and outline the voyage ahead. Together, we'll prepare to enter the space beyond, soaring to new heights and exploring the unlimited expanse. Get ready to strap in, ignite your curiosity, and embark on a journey to the moon and beyond. As we chart our course through this vast frontier, we’ll unlock endless possibilities and make unforgettable discoveries.
Impact through Events: Philanthropic + Community Building Initiatives
エリン・コームズ、創設者兼代表者 - Artio Strategies
La Shanda Hurst 、ビジネス プログラム マネージャー - 従業員エンゲージメント、Microsoft Philanthropies
Kelli Bielema 、イベントマネージャー - 従業員エクスペリエンス、Meta
モデレーター: Sarah Rose 、Amazon の Compass One の全国マーケティング + エクスペリエンス マネージャー
この啓発的なパネルディスカッションでは、Microsoft、Meta、Amazon、Starbucks などの感動的なストーリーや影響力のある事例を紹介します。これらの大企業がイベントの力を活用して、前向きな変化を促進し、慈善活動を推進し、コミュニティと従業員のエンゲージメントを促進する方法をご覧ください。このセッションでは、これらのビジネスリーダーがイベントを社会的利益の触媒として活用するために使用する革新的な戦略について詳しく説明します。参加者は、企業イベントを通じて変化をもたらすことに尽力している業界リーダーから貴重な洞察を得て、ベストプラクティスを学びます。
ILEA FORWARD: Annual General Meeting
Join us for our highly anticipated Annual Meeting, where we will review the past year's milestones, recognize the invaluable contributions of our key volunteers, and proudly install our new Board of Governors. Let’s celebrate our collective achievements and set the stage for the exciting journey ahead. As we look to the future, we’ll discuss the strategic direction and innovative initiatives that will drive ILEA forward. Don't miss this opportunity to connect, celebrate and be inspired by the vision for what's to come as ILEA goes FORWARD. #WeAreILEA
Creativity = Innovation
Kevin Molesworth, CSEP, President, Celadore Creative and Celadore Innovation
Encore Mainstage
For the past several years, the annual report from the World Economic Forum has ranked creative thinking among the most essential skills that are needed in the workplace. As event professionals, we must rise to the challenge and create new client experiences rather than re-creating and re-branding the same things we have been doing for years. In this engaging, interactive session, you will learn tried-and-true, scientifically proven methods for developing novel ideas and the means for implementing them.
KEYNOTE: 3 Big Questions for Today
ケビン・ホワイト、CSEP 、チーフストラテジスト – XPL
私たちが送る生活の質は、私たちが尋ねる質問の質に直接相関しています。世界が加速し、信じられないほど複雑になるにつれて、質の高い内省に取り組むことは非常に困難になります。I-24 のオープニ ング セッションでは、時間をゆっくりにして、業界としてだけでなく個人としても私たちが今日直面している 3 つの非常に大きな質問をします。目標は? より深い人間関係を定義し、それを生み出す力を与えることです。
Harnessing the Power of Storytelling: Insights from a Filmmaker and Film Festival Producer
Stefanie Malone, Filmmaker
Hosted By: Richard Foulkes, Live Marketing Business Facilitator, Consultant, and Speaker - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
Dive into the world of storytelling with filmmaker and event producer, Stefanie Malone, as she shares her expertise on the pivotal role of storytelling in our lives. As the driving force behind the celebrated National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY), Stefanie brings a unique perspective on how narrative shapes our experiences and drives our actions. Join us for an inspiring session where Stefanie reveals how storytelling is not just an art form, but a critical element in creating memorable events that resonate deeply with attendees. Learn how to craft compelling narratives that enhance engagement, build emotional connections, and leave a lasting impact. This session is a must for event planners, producers, and anyone passionate about elevating their craft through the power of storytelling.
Harmonizing Events: The Power of Sound
Michael McMorrow, Acclaimed Musician
Hosted By: Richard Foulkes, Live Marketing Business Facilitator, Consultant, and Speaker - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
Explore the power of music in events with acclaimed musician and producer, Michael McMorrow. In this engaging session, Michael will take us through his process of crafting and scoring music for various events, highlighting the profound impact music and sound have on our emotions and experiences. He will share his expertise on how to create memorable and emotionally resonant event experiences through music. Attendees will gain insights into the nuances of musical programming and composition for events and learn how to effectively integrate sound to enhance audience engagement. Ideal for musicians, event producers, and anyone interested in the emotional dynamics of music, this session promises to offer valuable knowledge and inspiration to elevate your next event.
Vision, Strategy + Structure: Optimizing Your Business
Zachary Cramer, Certified EOS Implementer® - EOS Worldwide
As a business leader, you're constantly juggling tasks, putting out fires, and trying to keep everyone on the same page. You may also be drowning in endless to-do lists, staff issues and sleepless nights. Join us as we discuss framework that can be the catalyst to get back to your vision, promote cohesion and cultivate teamwork. In this candid session, we'll explore how the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) can help you build, sustain and scale your business. Learn ways that can help you achieve your vision, get traction, build team health and a culture of accountability. Discover practical tools to create a clear organizational structure that will help you delegate effectively, solve persistent problems, and reignite your passion. Discover powerful ways to run your company for more focus and growth!
業界の動向: イベント業界の最新トピックとトレンド
Denise Malo 、DMCP クライアント サービス担当副社長 - BBC イベント、グローバル DMC パートナー、および Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI) 会長
Amanda Armstrong、上級副社長 – 業界関係 + コミュニティ – Encore
マーカス・ホワイト、CMP – マネージング・メンバー
モデレーター: Audrey Fan 、Fan Strategies
Legal Drama: Event Industry Law
Mary Ellen Reihsen, Attorney at Law
Join Mary Ellen Reihsen, Attorney at Law, as she tackles the biggest legal happenings in the hospitality sector: from spicy compliance issues, to fiery financing struggles, to the year’s most notable lawsuits. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving event industry, staying ahead of legal issues is crucial to safeguarding your business. This session will cover a hot list of topics, including: new regulations, staffing and employment, data privacy, AI, union regulation, environmental expenses, IP issues, ADA compliance and more. Do not miss this discussion on the law and how it impacts live events.

2日目: 明日 -

Sustainable Creativity: Shaping the Future of Events
Cindy Baccetti, Site Director, Industry Experience Center (IEC) and Global Culinary Leader, CET - Microsoft
Olivia Neal Howell, Founder – Seattle Creates + President, The Olivia Neal Experience
Mark Freeman, Senior Vice President of Growth - Day One Hospitality Consulting
Moderated By: Elizabeth Nutting, CSEP, Account Director – TK Events
At this panel power hour industry leaders as we explore the future of events from a multidimensional perspective. In this era of rapid transformation, we will discuss the pivotal role of fostering a sustainable and thriving creative economy. Our conversation will address the environmental and societal impacts, how we can foster innovation and the development of forward-thinking strategies. Our panel will examine how emerging technologies are revolutionizing the events and hospitality landscape, and where we, as professionals, fit within this evolving ecosystem. This session offers a valuable opportunity to gain insights on staying ahead in a dynamic, ever-changing world, while making a positive impact on our planet and community. Whether you are an experienced professional or new to the field, this discussion will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to drive the future of events.
Growth: Mindset of Change
Nigel Collin, MBA, CSP
Founder - Ingenious Oz Project
Author - Game of Inches + co-author of The Business Switch
We live in a rapidly changing world - no secret there - and for event professionals embracing change and adaptability is vital. What if you nurture the belief that you can constantly grow, learn and improve, to see challenges and change as opportunities? This session explores practical ways to start nurturing a growth mindset (the foundation work of psychologist Carol Dweck) for you and your team.
Stars Align: Tapping Your Intuition
Meredith Froemke, World Renowned Astrologer/Motivational Life Coach
Hosted By: Richard Foulkes, Live Marketing Business Facilitator, Consultant, and Speaker - The Paradise Experiment Event Consultancy
This enlightening session will feature Meredith Froemke, a world-renowned astrologer and life coach, who will talk about the profound connections between curiosity, creativity, and intuition. With a rich background in professional theatre, ballet, and the arts, as well as experience in marketing and events, Meredith offers a unique perspective on how to harness your creative processes and beliefs to reach your highest calling and divine purpose – and your most creative self. Discover how to tap into your innate creativity, leverage your intuition, and explore the depths of your potential. This session promises to inspire and equip you with the insights needed to unlock your true creative power and live a purpose-driven life.
Inspiring Inclusivity: The Next Era of Global Sports + Events
Beth Knox, President + CEO of the Seattle Sports Commission
Interviewed By: Kevin White, CSEP - Chief Strategist - XPL
Don't miss this session featuring an interview with a veteran in the sports and events industry as we explore the future of mega events, their power to unite and inspire, and what we can learn from them. Beth Knox, President + CEO of the Seattle Sports Commission, has an impressive portfolio, having played pivotal roles in events including the Special Olympics USA Games, the MLB All-Star Game, and the upcoming World Cup 2026. Delve into her insights on designing inclusive international events that transcend boundaries and bring people together. This session will touch on how these spectacular gatherings foster global unity, celebrate diversity, and inspire communities worldwide. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a true visionary about the evolving landscape of sports and events and how we can create experiences that resonate with and uplift us all.
Tech Talk
Paolo Tosolini, Founder - Tosolini Productions, LLC - Business Storytelling | Emerging Tech
Donatas Dautartas, Head of Wix Events - Wix Enterprise
Moderated by: Cecilia Lavin
Join us for an exciting tech talk tailored specifically for the event industry, where you'll dive into the cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of events. This session will feature a series of mini chats with industry experts, covering key topics such as data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), engagement tools and software solutions for both in-person and online delivery. This session will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the technologies revolutionizing the event industry.
Forest Bathing + Brainwashing: A Wellness Experience
クロエ・リー、CMS-CHt、FIBH – 催眠療法士
次に、コーヒーと目的に基づいた企業への情熱を一連の画期的なベンチャーに変えた並外れた起業家の話を聞いてください。ジョディ・ホールは、スターバックスの最初のイベント部門を設立した役割から始まり、彼女の才能を披露した重要な動きから、彼女の素晴らしい旅について語ります。革新的な精神とインパクトのある体験を創り出す能力。この成功を基に、ジョディはいくつかの成功したビジネスを立ち上げ、ダイナミックな先見の明のある人物としての評判をさらに固めました。現在、彼女は最新のベンチャーである Wundergound Coffee でウェルネス革命の最前線に立っています。ジョディ何年も前にキノコに関する講義を聞いたのが、Wundergroundの始まりでした。コーヒーは、目的、製品、場所のすべてです。コーヒーの根底にあるのは、つながりです。現代のデジタル化された世界では、私たちの多くが新しい世界に生きています。ストレスや不安が高まるのが当たり前の世界で、コーヒーは地球上で最も儀式的な飲み物の一つです。キノコは地球上で最も強力な生物の一つです。彼女は、製品、体験、そして健康をどのように構築できるかという考えに深く感銘を受けています。人間関係を育むブランド。彼女のストーリーを通じて、ウェルネスの進化する状況、イベントがどのようにしてそのすべてを結びつける最前線にあるか、そして情熱に従って意味のある変化を生み出す力について理解を深めることができます。
Angie Senter, Adjunct Professor, Washington State University (WSU) School of Hospitality Business Management
Kerrell Dunsmore, The Next Great Event
Matt Bonavita, President + Founder - Rhythm in Motion, Adjunct Professor, School of Business Professionals - New York University (NYU)
The profs are in! Join us for an engaging and insightful session featuring our panel that includes two distinguished college professors and event industry vets! Delve into the dynamic world of employing and producing events for the next generation. This session promises to be an invaluable resource for industry professionals, sharing tips for developing internship programs to partnering with educational institutions and mentorships, to planning and producing for future generations. Uncover preferences and expectations of Generation Z and beyond as we prepare to welcome them to the workforce and as attendees at our events.
Universe Unveiled: The Transformational Journey of Space Exploration
Sean McClinton, Founder, Space Entrepreneurs Network + Co-Founder - Space Northwest
Ted Huetter, Senior PR Manager – The Museum of Flight + Aviation/Space Writer + Photographer
Moderated By: Nigel Collin
These space ballers will delve into the remarkable advancements in space travel and their profound implications for our future. As we stand on the cusp of making space travel a mainstream reality, this discussion will explore what these groundbreaking innovations mean for humanity. Discover the powerful technologies driving our journey into outer space and how they are reshaping our understanding of what is possible. Our panel of experts and space enthusiasts will share insights into the latest developments, the challenges we face, and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. This session will take you beyond the realm of space innovation and exploration, highlighting how these advancements benefit life on Earth and shape our future in space. Learn how the evolution of space travel can inspire new possibilities for events, foster global collaboration, and drive innovative progress. Whether you are passionate about space or curious about the future, this discussion will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to embrace the new frontier of human achievement.
Join us for the Grand Finale, the ultimate closing session where we come together to celebrate and reflect on the biggest moments of I-24. We’ll highlight the key insights and breakthroughs from our time together, encapsulating the spirit of our shared mission. Expect surprises, camaraderie, and a heartfelt toast to our collective accomplishments. We'll commemorate the connections we've made, the knowledge we've gained, and the inspiration we've ignited. And send us off ready to create ripples that resonate far and wide in the world. Don’t miss this unforgettable conclusion to our journey!