CSEP exam preparation leverages your practical experience alongside your technical knowledge. And we are here to help you prepare with a number of resources.
Your CSEP exam prep journey begins here! The Exam Blueprint is a great way to assess your current events knowledge/skill level. Many current CSEPs have recommended reviewing this list with a highlighter in hand. Highlight those line items that you are comfortable with. Whatever is left, take time to review by using the resources below.
A curated recommended reading list, hand-picked from references from the CSEP Exam. Want additional help? Additional resources listed below.
The Industry Glossary is a list of terms and definitions published by the Events Industry Council.
Special Event Production: The Process Matthews, Doug Routledge 2015 (2nd Edition)
Special Event Production: The Resources Matthews, Doug Routledge 2015
Miziker’s Complete Event Planner’s Handbook: Tips, Terminology, and Techniques for Success Miziker, Ron University of New Mexico Press 2015
Special Events: The Brave New World for Bolder and Better Live Events Goldblatt, Joe Jeff Wiley & Sons (8th Edition)
The Convention Industry Council Manual: A Working Guide For Effective Meetings and Conventions Convention Industry Council (9th Edition)
The International Dictionary of Event Management Goldblatt, Joe Jeff and Nelson, K.S.Wiley & Sons 2001
Professional Event Coordination Silvers, Julia Rutherford Wiley & Sons 2012
The Facts of Live: how live events are conceived procured and produced to create the greatest value and impact Glendinning, Will Rethink Press 2018
Intentional Event Design: Our Professional Opportunity Endean, Tahira Create Space Independent Publishing 2017
*Amazon is used for purely reference - you may purchase the resources from any book retailer
ILEA is held to an education standard that is based off the ILEA Core Curriculum. By attending these events, you are exposed to different education opportunities. Connect with ILEA at Industry Events.
Because this is an experience based exam, the best way to prepare is to gain more industry experience. If you are looking to expand your knowledge base, try talking to your fellow industry members about their jobs, work for free, shadow them on an event. Those thinking about taking the CSEP exam are welcome to reach out to their local ILEA Chapter to ask questions of any current CSEPs.
Join the Interested Candidates Facebook group!
Prepare for the exam experience with one practice exam that allows you to simulate your upcoming CSEP testing experience and understand your domain-level strengths and areas of improvement. Practice exam is comprised of 50 questions and allows for three (3) attempts.
*Please note that the CSEP does not offer an official prep course.