弊社の魅力的なウェビナーを通じて、学習と専門能力開発の世界を探索してください。業界の最新動向を常に把握したい場合も、洞察に満ちたセッションをもう一度見たい場合も、弊社のウェビナー ハブは最適な場所です。ILEA では、継続的な学習の力を信じています。発見と専門能力の成長の旅にご参加ください。今後のウェビナーに登録するか、録画されたセッションのライブラリをご覧ください。新しい可能性を解き放つ鍵が待っています。
ILEA Webinar: The Business Switch: How to Empower the Creative Thinking of Your Team
Date: January 23, 2025
Time: 3 pm ET
Richard Foulkes, CSEP - Founder, The Paradise Experiment
Nigel Colin, MBA - Author, "The Game of Inches"
Switching on the creative thinking of your people and turning their ideas into commercial results is vital for event practitioners in today’s competitive environment. In this webinar, two award-winning event industry experts, Richard Foulkes, CSEP and Nigel Collin, MBA, will reveal the secrets of empowering your team to think more creatively.
Flicking the switch that turns on creative thinking in people isn’t easy, but it is essential. To nurture and leverage the creative thinking of your people, you need to develop and exploit your own ability to think creatively and apply it to your business environment.
ILEA Member Rally: ILEA Napa-Sonoma Chapter President Johanna Holm + ILEA International Past President 2016-2017 Judy Belcher CSEP
Date: November 19, 2024
Time: 11:00 am ET
Johanna Holm - ILEA Napa-Sonoma Chapter President 2024-2025
Judy Belcher, CSEP - ILEA International Past President 2016-2017
Join us in celebrating ILEA Member Rally Month with special webinars featuring conversations between current ILEA Chapter Presidents and past ILEA International Presidents! Tune in for an engaging 45-minute session filled with community and inspiration, as we dive into their career journeys, sources of creative motivation, and the lasting impact of ILEA membership on their lives. Don’t miss this chance to connect and be inspired!
ILEA Member Rally: Past ILEA Michigan Chapter President Connie Seibt + ILEA International Past President 2020-2001 Dana Macaulay CSEP
Date: November 21, 2024
Time: 11:00 am ET
Connie Seibt - ILEA Michigan Chapter President 2023-2024
Dana Macaulay, CSEP - ILEA International Past President 2020-2021
Join us in celebrating ILEA Member Rally Month with special webinars featuring conversations between current ILEA Chapter Presidents and past ILEA International Presidents! Tune in for an engaging 45-minute session filled with community and inspiration, as we dive into their career journeys, sources of creative motivation, and the lasting impact of ILEA membership on their lives. Don’t miss this chance to connect and be inspired!
ILEA Webinar: Certified Success: Navigating the Path to Excellence with ILEA CSEP
日付: 2024年5月15日
時間: 午前11時 (東部標準時)
モデレーター:アルマンド・セレドン、CSEP 副ディレクター、サンアントニオ観光局
ILEA 認定および認証プログラム シニア マネージャー、Katie Kenney
ILEA CSEP テストの最新情報: ILEA CSEP テストの最新情報を入手して、常に先手を打ってください。最新の動向を調査することで、十分な情報を得て、自信を持って認定プロセスを進める準備が整うようにします。
ILEA ウェビナー: 持続可能なイベントの公開: ライブイベント空間における実践的な持続可能性の実現
Date: April 22, 2024
Time: 4:00-4:45 pm ET
Moderator: Jordan Kaye, CEO, Analog Events
Heidi Andermack, Chowgirls Catering
Monique Figueiredo, Strategic Development, Founder, Owner, Compostable
Sierra Davey, MCI USA, Strategic Event Management
Join us for an engaging panel discussion as we delve into the realm of practical sustainability within live events. In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, event organizers, planners, and stakeholders are increasingly recognizing the need to integrate sustainable practices into their events.
ILEA Webinar: Real Talk About Artificial Intelligence
日付: 2024年3月19日
モデレーター: Cecilia Lavin、Evessio グローバル戦略成長ディレクター
ブルームバーグのイベント製品およびテクノロジー担当グローバル責任者、RJ クラウダー シェーファー
ローンチ マーケティング カンパニー CEO、ソマー ゲイ
UneeQ 営業担当副社長、Marco Chavira 氏
ILEA の独占ウェビナー「人工知能についてのリアルトーク」へようこそ。ここでは、ライブイベント業界と最先端のテクノロジーが融合します。専門家が AI とライブ体験の交差点を探り、その影響、課題、可能性を解明します。未来を切り拓くイベントプロフェッショナルにとって必見のウェビナーです。
Down the Aisle: How the Pandemic Has Changed the Wedding Industry
Date: 23 June, 2021
Time: 1-2 pm ET
Moderator: Chelsea Roy, Owner, Everything But The Ring & EBTR Events
Morgan Doan, CSEP, PWC, Principal & Creative Director, Morgan Events
Lynn Fletcher, CSEP, Founder & Creative Director, Lynn Fletcher Weddings
Sasha Souza, CEO, Wedding & Event Trendmaker, & Celebrity Wedding Planner
Watch our panel of live events experts for a discussion on how the wedding industry has adapted through the pandemic. From rescheduling to new bookings, guest safety to guest counts (and the vendor staffing shortages and increasing service costs), learn how the industry continues to change and adapt.
ILEA Webinar: Crossroads to Creativity: Theme Park Design with Patrick Braillard, Universal Creative
Date: 6 December, 2023
Time: 11:00 am ET
Speaker: Patrick Braillard
Currently a Senior Show Writer for Universal Creative -- the company responsible for creating rides, attractions, parks, and resorts for Universal Destinations & Experiences -- Patrick Braillard has a wealth of experience with live events and capital projects within the Themed Entertainment sphere. He has provided creative direction on the design and execution of 100’s of entertainment installations based on major intellectual properties such as The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Jurassic World, and Netflix’s Stranger Things. Patrick is now working on Universal Epic Universe, the fourth domestic theme park at Universal Orlando, and was recently named a Blooloop Top 50 Influencer in the Theme Park industry.
日付: 2023年11月15日
時間: 午後1時30分~午後2時30分(東部標準時)
Tammy Dickerson、CMP、TBG イベント創設者兼社長
Armando Seledon、CSEP、サンアントニオ訪問部、メンバーエンゲージメント担当副ディレクター
ティファニー・ロシエ、GCDF、DE&I 委員会委員長、国際ライブイベント協会
International Live Events Association と National Society for Black Wedding & Event Professionals のベテラン パネリストによる洞察に満ちたディスカッションをお楽しみください。企業イベント プランニングへの移行に関するベスト プラクティスと多様な洞察を学びましょう。