CSEP Recertification + Reinstatement
Recertification Policy: The Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP) designation has significant impact on the credibility and integrity of the live events industry. CSEPs are required to recertify their credentials every three (3) years through continued professional development and education, and applied experience in, and service to, the events industry. The policies below are provided to assist CSEPs in their recertification planning ahead of their application deadline, and/or to assist lapsed CSEPs in pursuing reinstatement of the credential.
Reinstatement fee: $400
Continuing Education Documentation
& Point Breakdown
Continuing Education Documentation
CSEP CEU Documentation Tracker
This tracker will be used to list and organize your points. You will submit this tracking form ONLY to recertify via documentation.
Recertification submissions are subject to audit by the Certification Committee. Retain all verification documents for 6 months following the date of your recertification approval for audit purposes.
Point Breakdown Guide
Continuing Education
Attending 1 hour of continuing education = 1 point
Instructor of university course or through other accredited institution (based on a 16-week semester) = 4 points per 1 course
Live Events Industry Leadership & Involvement and CSEP Enhancing Activities
Keynote, speaker, panelist, moderator at an industry related event or institution = 1.5 point per session/class
Ad hoc speaking engagement must take place outside of your workplace and must be at least 30 minutes in length
Participate in CSEP exam maintenance and development or other CSEP sustainability tasks as outlined by the CSEP Committee = 1 per contribution
Serve as a CSEP Ambassador (Committee appointed) = 2 points per year
Participate as a CSEP discussion group leader or do speaking engagements about the CSEP designation = 1 per contribution
Write a posted/published blog, article or testimonial about the CSEP designation =1 per contribution
Complete CSEP Exam grading (prior to March 2020) = 1 per contribution
ILEA International/National/Chapter board officer = 7 points per year
ILEA International/National/Chapter board director or committee/task force chair = 5 points per year
ILEA International/National/Chapter committee or task force member = 3 points per year
Author of published industry related book or e-book = 5 points each
Author of an industry related journal, article or blog post = 1 point per contribution
2024 Recertification Fees
By Documentation
Application Launch - CSEP Expiration
Up to 90-Days after CSEP Expiration
More than 90-Days after CSEP Expiration
By Exam
Application Launch - CSEP Expiration
$300 + $350 exam fee
Up to 90-Days after CSEP Expiration
$350 + $350 exam fee
More than 90-Days after CSEP Expiration
$400 + $350 exam fee
Certification Lapse: Any CSEPs who fail to recertify will lose their credential on January 1 following their expiration date, and must cease and desist all use of the CSEP designation in all forms of communication. Reinstatement is available for 30 days following expiration. After having been lapsed for 30 days, an individual will have to submit a new application and pursue the credential as a new candidate.
Need help or have questions? Reach out!